2D Platform shooter template throws up errors


Is there a fix?

Can anyone actually help? I showed the error message and everything, I think the template’s on the official website.

From the screen shot, it appears to be RogueLite, a paid for template.

It looks like the name “[Default]” is used. I suspect that has to be replaced with the actual name. I suggest you look at the comments in the events around setting up FireBase. There may be instructions on how to do it

Failing that, unless someone else has the template and can help, you’ll need to contact the creator, VegeTato.

Also, you should give it a while before bumping a thread - it may take a few days before someone responds to answer your question. Bumping it after 45 minutes is not a good move.

Well it’s now at least 2 days, any chance of a response? I contacted Vegetato last week, he wasn’t very forthcoming.

It is the holiday season in some countries, and people can be away from their computers or have limited internet connection. Have you checked the template documentation in the events?

@VegeTato, can you help @RichTheGameDeveloper here?

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I literally gave you step-by-step video + the comments in the project + details i mentioned in the replay…
what do you mean by:

wasn’t very forthcoming

You must link your Firebase database to your project, otherwise, you are using Firebase actions/conditions in the project events without actually connecting any Firebase database, so obviously it will return you the error.