How do I make my character wall jump properly?
A clear and concise description of what you are trying to do.
I want to be able to cling to the wall immedietly and jump whenever you want while slowly sliding down. I also want to make it so that you have to hold the right or left button (whichever way the wall is from you) so that you slide and don’t fall off.
Explain what should happen when you run the game.
what should happen when you hold the movement button into the wall you should stick to it and start sliding and when you jump off you get you normal speed and momentum back.
Explain what is happening instead, what is going wrong.
But every time I try to wall jump with my character it just doesn’t activate the behavior. I’ve tried to fix the collision but its not working still and it won’t even activate the animation I made for it. It only works when its on the floor and the wall but not in the air.
Im using the advanced wall extension and I don’t know if I should just make it myself or not.