Can I find a tutorial on how to do auto-combat?

Can I find a tutorial on how to do auto-combat somewhere?

The principle is:
Player is in collision with objects CollisionLeft or CollisionRight.
Player will automatically move to position X.
The hero changes the animation to attack and hits the Enemy. Enemy will change the animation to hurt and then he will hit the hero. The fight takes place automatically until one of the actors dies.
No keyboard buttons work during combat.

I’ve tried a lot of things and I’m getting a little frustrated. It seems that logical thinking is not my strong point. :smiley:

I’ll give you half the kingdom and a princess as a wife if you help me with that :smiley:

Sorry for my bad English.

Have a nice day.

Maybe, When Player Collides with Enemy
Player Animation Changes to Attack and Attacks first
After the Player attacks Animation is back to normal then Change Enemy Animation to Attack and it attacks
So on until one dies
I’d recommend using the Health Extension as it would help