Change moving animation when equipped to another animation

Hi there,

i have a problem with the animation of my player (slime).
the idle animation works, also the directional animations work as expected for my topdown movement. i created a few other animations to make it visible when my character holds his item in hand (currently just an Axe). i now wanted to change the default animation for a direction with the new “equipped” animation. as long as i dont press a key the animations show for all 4 directions as expected. but the moment i start moving the animation stops and just shows the 1st frame of the "equipped animation.

Here is what i have for my controls, and the event that should change the named animations:


Equiped animations:

i would be happy to get any hint to get the animation running even when a key is pressed.
thanks in advance.

It happens because game every tick checks equiped item or not, and changes animation to first frame.
You may make the complex system
adding specific number variable for player (with zero)
when he pick ups axe, replace it by number of animations without axe
and, you can then make these controls but youll need to change the animation by number and youll need adding a this "axe"variable to the animation number.
Sorry if i misunderstand something…

i am sorry, i did not understand what you were pointing at.
do you have an example or a link to a wikipage (maybe i missed one for this specific request)
or maybe you know of a video or something?