change variables in one time

i have write this
but i want that the variable change only in the istance the condition is true, not in ripetiton…
how can do this?

Do you want that the variable change only a time? For gain memory or something like this?

Well, you could create an auxiliar variable, I’ll call this “auxiliar”:

Conditions Actions The global variable "stato_azione" = 0 Do = 0 to global variable "timecambia" The global variable "auxiliar" = 0 Do = 1 to global variable "auxiliar"

Conditions Actions The global variable "stato_azione" = 1 Do = 4 to global variable "timecambia" The global variable "auxiliar" = 0 Do = 1 to global variable "auxiliar"

So, the actions only will be read one time, maybe in the second event you will need other variable, not “auxiliar”, “auxiliar_2”, but I don’t know what do you want to do in the other events.
Lastly, when you want that the events be read other time (but only one time again), set “auxiliar” = 0, and be read the variable “stato_azione” for run actions.

Sorry for my English

thanks lizard, don’t worry for english :smiley:
the variable give me a animation frame for start
the concept is this:
—timechange=animation frame of object
—object with two animation move and attack
—the variable state_action change timechange (start of animation frame)
—keys change the start variable in second moment
if press key w the variable set to 0 with addition +1 if >4 set to 0
if press button left mouse the variable set to 4 with addition +1 if >8 set to 4
i want make more animation in object with this concept