Click on objects separately

Hey there,

I would like to develop a game mode where a card is displayed for each question. At the beginning a question is displayed and when you click on the text object a card appears. If you then click on the card, another question appears and so on until all the questions have been played through. Both objects execute a command when you click on them, but this should happen alternately. Do I have to work with layers and if so how or how do I do this?
Feel free to refer to my screenshot

So the card click processing should be Kategorie, Kartendeck, Kategorie, Kartendeck etc?

If so, the following steps will help:

  1. add a boolean variable, say named ClickKategorie, and set it to true.
  2. add the condition Variable ClickKategorie is true to the event Kategorie is clicked
  3. add the condition Variable ClickKategorie is false to the event Kartendeck is clicked
  4. to both the events in steps 2 & 3, add the action to Toggle the value of ClickKategorie.

That should let you alternate clicking between Kategorie and Kartendeck.

Thank you! That helped :smiley: