Dating Simulator Help

Hi, Im trying to make a dating simulator game, where the player has to make a ‘dating profile’ (save game file) where they enter information such as; name, age, gender, likes, dislikes, and a short biography. Im trying really hard to find any tutorials that match what I’m trying to accomplish, can anyone help? Or send tutorials that remind you of this? Thanks! :blush:

Well, could you be more specific on what exactly you’re trying to accomplish?
“A dating game” is too vague, there’s a lot of systems that could go into one

I’m trying to make the save profile for the actual game, where the player can enter in information about themselves and it saves it as a profile on the start screen

Oohh, I think I got it!
For that, you can create some global variables, something like this could work:

A suggestion is making a separate scene to input all these values!
Some “Text Input” objects, a “Slider” or a “Checkbox”, and you probably won’t take too long.

As for saving them, I’m not really great at it, but there’s a GDevelop video that explains it:

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask so!
Good luck, hope I’ve been helpful! ^^

THANK U!! this helps so so much

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