Could someone check this project? It seems like a bug, but maybe I’m missing something about logics (14.4 KB)
To reproduce the bug (You should compile it, tested on Windows XP):
-Go to Options Scene
-Switch the… the switch (Fullscreen active at right) and “Accept”
-Go again to Options Scene
-Switch Fullscreen off and “Acept”… the Fullscreen should stand active, here is the bug (The option variable = 0, but Fullscreen stands active)
-Then you can turn the Fullscreen off switching it on ==> Apply ==> switching it off ==> Apply or Accept
I can’t find any problem with the logic, it seems like it should work, or maybe I’m missing something too.
But, If you De/Activate Fullscreen based on the value of Option_Fullscreen variable every single time At the beginning of the OptionMenu scene, seems like it solves the problem whatever it is.
Though, sometime the compiled project crashed on me with this message “internalstart.exe has stopped working”, also when change from full screen to window it cause graphical glitches sometime, that freeze the screen and can be solved only if I close the project using task manager. I’m not sure but can be something wrong around De/Activate fullscreen event.
Wow, thanks, and yes… that solves the problem (I tried something like that but in the main scene )
Very strange, well, maybe there is a OpenGL problem.
Thanks again