Desynchronizing game

Hi im doing a smash Bros like game online with p2p default server of gdevelop for to play with my family.
I did all player mouvement background and all but when i play players begin to be desynchronize after one min or less.
How can i do to keep them sync please?

Can you provide screen snips of the events that send and receive the player data?

I dont know exactly what i need to screen but this is the creen of the player movement.

I wonder if the data loss if having an impact here. Instead of simulating the keypress, send through the object’s position.

Maybe trigger 2 new events, one for left and one for right

Also, I’d suggest you just hide the hitbox in a Beginning of scene event:

I already read that it’s better to send position of object but how can i do that ?
What action shall i use ?
The only action i found is “change position of object”
Can you tell me exactly how can i do that please ?
And thank you for your answer

i did this now tell me if i’m wrong but it works for syncing 2 players.
But i want to know what shall i do to add more players to sync