Hey! So I’ve made an ability called Burning Light, where enemies are in collision with the hero’s light they enter a burning state, which then slowly deals damage. Everything works fine with one enemy but once a second enters it doesn’t inflict any damage to the second (still inflicts damage to the first) I’d like it to inflict damage to every enemy within the radius.
I’ve used the Repeat for each instance of enemies (group). But doesn’t seem to be working.
Even if all this is inside a repeat is only affecting one because of the timer. plus is not a better way to start the timer when you perform the attack instead of doing that at the begin.
you cast burning light by pressing x button
then reset the timer
then in a repeat for enemies
check if enemies is in collision with BurniLightSprite if that is the case
the do stuff in enemies
check if timer of burning light > 3
this way you separate the reset of the timer to be checked only one time because is outside of the repeat.
Thanks for the quick reply! I ended up with this (see below) and seems to be working great! Is there’s anything redundant or unnecessary with it please let me know. Again Thanks
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