[Existing bug report] Declared text variables with empty value should be by default empty

I was more than sure i did feature request it already or at least i saw it
But i can’t find it so just in case it does not exist i am requesting it here

Right now if we declare text variable and leave its value/text as empty so like

If we try to display it in text object it will show 0 instead of NOTHING
For which we would need to add event change variable Mission set to “”
And that would make it nothing/null/empty or however to call it

Hello, ZeroX4

I think you’re referring to a bug report about this: Empty text variable

Exactly i knew i saw it
I just did not remember did i made it or someone else
Also i was sure it was feature request
Anyway TY

Updated the title here a bit so folks don’t think the actual bug is solved.

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