Exports work but say it doesn't work

Bug Description
I’m not completely sure if this a bug or something else but I exported my game, then it said “something wrong happened” error, but, the exports still worked, so I don’t know if that’s a visual bug or it did not work and then it decided it wanted to. Anyways, just reporting that just in case!


Screenshot from 2024-09-03 09-42-03

This has always been this way, it has to do with some protocols, Is like they tell the engine to stop waiting when the load is going to take too long, but keep building the thing at the server, so you eventually are always able to get your builds no matter how slow your connection is. It looks bad (and it certainly made me waste a lot of my free builds in the begining) but it happens for good reasons.

The engine definitely needs a disclaimer about this, the error message shouldn’t encourage you to “try again”, it should encourage you to “wait a few minutes, and look for your build in the build manager”.

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Thanks for this information! I was unaware but I am glad that it does work, but I do agree, GDevelop should have a warning to be patient. Thanks again!

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