HELP ! Controls On-Screen

So I have a question about on-screen controls. Is it possible to use an external layout for controls and spawn them on start? Actually there is no control over which layer the external layout objects go so that makes it hard to implement.

Edit: I have also tried to study the virtual control implementation in the “new game >platformer”, but I just dont understand, how do you make elements on the scene not move with the camera?? :frowning:(( I have tried and tried but to no avail!

Edit: I have also tried to study the virtual control implementation in the “new game >platformer”, but I just dont understand, how do you make elements on the scene not move with the camera?? :frowning:(( I have tried and tried but to no avail!

If you put the controls on a layer above the game layer the controls will stay in place.

oh! ok thanks for the reply, means a lot! :slight_smile:
Anyway, that would make my work a little harder as I will have to put the entire game in one layer, but that’s okay!

There should a parallax scrolling feature in GD like Construct Classic, it would help people quite a lot