How do I create objects within a layer on an external tilemap (Tiled)

  1. I have created an external Tilemap in Tiled which looks like this :

  2. I also created the collision mask for this tilemap in Tiled which looks like this when I import it into G develop:

  3. Now what I want to do is to create another object within this green map area ONLY (like in the screenshot below). Nothing outside of it. I am not able to find a way to get any function or any other logic to be able to determine this area or zone or co-ordinates within which the objects can be created.

  4. Also, the object should not be in any way coming outside of the map like in this screenshot.

  5. Also, point to note is that in the future I could have many different maps and would need a scalable logic to be able to place objects in the map irrespective of the type of map.

Can someone help or guide please.

mmm…have u tried with the tiled built in add layer?
As far as i know you can’t import in GD multilayered tiled maps.
But you can create new layers in Tiled (that overlaps) then import each one as single Tiled objects…
i mean …you can try to multilayer in Tiled as long it is 1 json file and 1 tileset image

I already had created the map in Tiled with 2 layers as you can see below.
In G develop, we do have the functionality to select the layer which we want to display by selecting its index in the properties. Check below screenshots:

I was just pondering over this last night while going to sleep , and I think I found 1 way to do it by using a loop which generates a random X and Y coordinate and then checks if it’s colliding with the collision mask of this map. If yes, then it should be mostly inside the map, however, I am not sure again how to deal with the edge case where a point could be on the border/edge of the collision mask - in that case I would have the case I mentioned in point 4 in my original post, so need help for that case :confused:

I understand what u want but i don’t think it can be done since tiled objects are recognized as single squared object (if you check the collision debug action you should see it).
as far as i know there is no way to identify a coordinate inside the tiled object (or on the edge) exept the bounding box, origin and center.

U could try something whit the bounding box conditions…but I don’t think it would work in your case.
and imo continuously cheking if the collision happen may works at beginning but it would impact on performances a lot later…

Yes true, I have struggled with external tilemaps in G develop for the reasons you mentoined, and there are no functions to check specific co-ordinates inside tiled object. Maybe I will try using the in-built tilemap editor in G develop as that provides some more functions such as checking the exact tile ID etc.

I just created the following event sequence right now, and it seems to work except for the edge part like I mentioned earlier:

  1. Pick random X and Y coordinates from the range in which the map would be on the screen (keeping some buffer from the edges of the screen)
  2. Test collision of the object at that co-ordinate with the collision mask of the map
  3. If it collides then set a flag and exit the loop and change the position of the object to that co-ordinate

You mentioned performance issue with this piece of logic - but would it really be there, if :

  1. This loop is only intended to run at the beginning of the game - once the objects are placed, it wont be needed
  2. At a maximum 5 to 6 such objects would need to be placed inside the map
  3. I also suppose, that the probability of this loop running multiple times should be less (but maybe it might run a bit more, once suppose 4/5 objects are placed and for the 5th one, the remaining available space in the map would be less - would need to also check collission with other such objects which are placed around before it)