How do I fix my isometric grid generation?

Hello! I have a simple scene with one 32x16 tile on a 32x16 grid. I would like to generate 10 more tiles horizontally and vertically using isometric tiles. Here is the code that I have which does not work. Is there any adjustments to be made or suggestions from the community?

// Get the list of available SimpleSprite objects
const spriteObjects = runtimeScene.getObjects("SimpleSprite");

// Check if the object exists
if (spriteObjects.length > 0) {
    // Create a new instance of the SimpleSprite object
    const sprite = runtimeScene.createObject(spriteObjects[0]);

    if (sprite !== null) {
        // Set the position of the sprite
        sprite.setPosition(200, 200);  // Position at (200, 200)
        sprite.setZOrder(1);  // Set Z-order for visibility
    } else {
        console.error("SimpleSprite object creation failed.");
} else {
    console.error("No SimpleSprite object found.");

CreatObject() is by name (String).

This worked for me.

const sprite = runtimeScene.createObject(spriteObjects[0].getName());