How do I make my sound not play globally

How do I…

I need an object to play a sound.

What is the expected result

When you play the game, you are suppose to hear the sound if you are facing it. The closer you get to it, the more louder it gets. And if you face away from it, you can hear it, but its not as loud as you would from a few feet away. The further you get away from it, the more quieter it gets.

I am not sure how to get this to work exactly and I’m not very skilled with sound in gdevelop. Specifically one where its stereo or mono because I usually never pay attention to those things. No I am not asking everyone here to make my game, I made most of the game myself, I am just not sure how to achieve what I want.

Hi, there is an example project for spatial sound:

Thanks, I may check this out. Just right now I’m not in the mood, I’m so pissed off. But thanks. Hopefully you understand my man.

Yes, I understand that very well (if you mean you are frustrated because of some game-making problem). Best is to take some time off and to do something completely different. When you come back, often you will accomplish what you want in no time.

Hey, I tried the spatial sound out. But its not working right. I’ve included a screenshot below to describe it. Also, I put a “trigger once wile true” because the sound was not playing correctly.