How to remove the "Watch tutorial" videos in the editor?

I don’t get why they are everywhere, even when you declare variables. Really annoying

Hi, you can disable them in the preferences (file → preferences → embedded help and tutorials).

Other users may be glad to have a tutorial available without searching around and since we can turn them of, everyone can be happy.

I clicked it but it doesn’t work

I checked again and you are right. I just realized that the only way is to close the video suggestions one by one and then they won’t show up again unless you click in the preferences ‘reset hidden embedded tutorials’. So if you don’t like the videos you should actually not click the button in the preferences if you already closed them before.

I agree that’s a bit annoying and I’d rather have a button or slider in the preferences to turn the video suggestions off.

thanks for double checking. I don’t understand why they put these video suggestions everywhere.