I'm trying to do a Sequence of Animations (Solved)

Lately, I’ve been trying to make those sequence of events with character sprites I’ve seen other games do.

My current problem is that I’m trying to change Hammon’s sprite animation, but it’s stuck on the first frame. It will change the animation to the one I set, but it won’t play the whole event.

I’ve looked up other threads on here that have a similar problem, but they don’t match what I’m trying to do so I’m still at a bit of a loss.

When animation is stuck on 1st frame means you allowed to play more than one animation at a time

Idea in making game is NOT to just let something happen
But also prevent it from happening

I gonna give you example and you should deduce solution yourself
Not because i don’t want to tell you what to do
But because YOU should understand what is going on in your events and not others
Or else you will be back here as soon as you add another animation

Now look
Imagine you have idle animation for player
So you make event like
Player is on the floor
Player is not moving

Change animation to idle

Now you make walk animation
Player is not the floor
Player is moving

Change animation to walk

And that will work perfectly fine

BUT you just added
Player is on the flor
Z key is pressed

Change animation to attack

Now tell me if you don’t move and press Z which animation should play
Attack or idle?

What if you move and press Z?

Now you see how easy is to create conflict?

Solution would be to add to 1st two events
Animation of player IS NOT equal to Attack

And that would give priority for attack animation to play over idle and walk animations

Now go check your events what you did wrong

Hey mate, thanks for your advice. I like how you explained things step-by-step.

One tactic I tried today was disabling chunks of Hammond’s coding to isolate which commands are conflicting. He doesn’t have a lot of commands, but they are old.

I’ve been able to isolate which commands are conflicting. I decided that I’m gonna reorganize his code so it’s more streamlined.

I’ll make another post on here later with the new version.

In the meantime, I’m still trying to make the following events in the sequence work. I got the first step to work, now I need steps two and three to work.

Always try to think out of the box

You are thinking right inside the box and that is wrong

I see here 2 conditions
In parent event animation is finished
And sub event animation is finished

It does not matter how it work
You don’t understand it i don’t understand it

What we both will understand is
Imagine you replace them with space key is pressed

How much sense does it make now?

Next thing

So set to which?

Actually correctly it should look like that

To which it should be set?
I cannot tell
Do you think your game can?


Wait for it to be true once
Then wait for it to be true 2nd time

If it would be
Left mouse button pressed
|---- Left mouse button pressed

It would NOT work as
If i press LMB once do this
And if i press it another time do that

It works as

Do whatever is in the action if condition is true

Thanks, but I tinkered a little more and found a way to make the sequence work.

Maybe this isn’t the most streamlined way, but I chose this way because I work better with timers and I think it helped me.


Here if somethiong works and do not cause lag you do not care is it streamlined or not
As long as you understand how it works and can modify it

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