I have made my character climb a ledge… when i climb to the right it works great but when i climb to the left i fly off the ledge in the air to the right. I dont understand because my events are just copies of eachother with the horizontal flipped inversed. Should do the same thing both ways…
Any ideas??
I am not sure that is the case here
BUT do not use same identifiers for different tweens (Identifiers = names of tweens in double “quotes on end”)
Thank you, i changed those right away…
Figured it out…
My positions were way off when the object got flipped. I just had to add the width of my character and everything works now
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Hello and welcome. That’s great that you figured it out and also that you shared how you solved the issue so that others with the same question will see your solution.
You can edit this topic title to put [Solved] to help people know that you found the answer…