when I create any layer, it works as a UI layer and everything on this layer moves with the camera, but the collision remains in the same place
Copy your action to center camera on base layer
And in duplicate change it to other layer on which is your wall
what action? what center camera??? what do you mean??? i don’t understand!
Camera positions have no relation to collision on other layers.
Collision is based off layer x/y coordinates. Which are ‘real’ positioned based and has no relationship to the camera’s position. So if you have colliding objects on different layers at the same position, it will count as a collision regardless of what the camera position is.
This is true in every engine I’m aware of.
Do you have any actions to change camera position?
I have smooth camera, it makes camera follow character, and no other thing with camera
Yeah but it follow player only on player layer i mean on layer on which is player
You would need to apply same crap to other layer on which is your wall
BUT i never used smooth camera so idk how to do that
But you can google how to lerp camera
And that is exact thing what that behavior is doing
I found some video on youtube but you can find a lot more but i think its enough
Now you would simply copy/paste this action and in duplicate simply change layer to layer on which your wall is