Is there a way to make an event run only one time, even if the conditions are still met/met again?
I am making a game and I want a message to pop up when a certain resource reaches a certain amount, and once closed not open again.
For example:
I have my guy collecting wood. When the wood variable reaches 5, I want a message to pop up and say something. When the player clicks the OK button, I want the message window to close and not re-open.
I have everything working, except when I click the close button on the message, it just pops right back up because the player still has 5 wood!
I can’t figure out how to make it work, If my condition is Wood=5, then any time he collects 5 wood it will pop up the message… There’s got to be a way to create a one time event right?
You have two options:
1 - Use a variable, for example a variable named Show_Message_5_Wood.
At the beginning of the scene, set this variable = 1 (show message if wood reaches 5)
When wood = 5, and if the variable is = 1 >> show the message and set the variable = 0 (this way the message will not pop-up again)
[code]Conditions: At the beginning of the scene
Actions: Do = 1 to the variable Show_Message_5_Wood
Conditions: Variable Wood is = 5
Variable Show_Message_5_Wood is = 1
Actions: Show Message
Do = 0 to the variable Show_Message_5_Wood[/code]
2 - Use the Trigger once condition.
Conditions: Variable Wood is = 5
Trigger once
Actions: Show Message
But with this Trigger once, each time the variable Wood is different than 5 and then is equal to 5 again, the message will pop-up one more time (for example you pick up another wood and use it, or lose a wood and pick up a new one).
That makes so much sense! Thank you for your help!