Make more then 4 charectors/sprites in gdevelop

How do I…

So i am trying to make 4 charectors seperately move and talk and have there own smooth camera and top down movement and so on

What is the expected result

To have 4 charectors or more of/sprites walk about seperately with there own behaviours

What is the actual result

Explain what is happening instead, what is going wrong.

Related screenshots

Please include a screenshot of the full related events including both conditions and actions.
And screenshots to help showing us the issue.

the code

Project files (optional)

Insert a minimal game showing your issue in a .zip or .rar

new code
wont sync

news i have got them seperate but trying to seperate the smooth camera and stuff for both

Hey! Welcome to the forum, so it looks like you have made some progress. So right now the way you have the triggers is you have that disable everything running all the time. Could that be part of your issue? Perhaps doing at the beginning of the scene for this too will fix your issue . . . but I am not sure as I haven’t done multiplayer on different machines yet. I have only done local multiplayer.