Hello! Apologies in advance for the lack of visuals. I’m new to this, and for now, I’m focusing on getting the mechanics right before adding the visuals. I’m trying to make a game similar to “One Finger Death Punch,” where enemies appear from the left or right. Currently, I’ve been using bananas and watermelon slices instead of enemies to test the mechanics. When I right-click for objects on the right side and they are within the designated range, they disappear and I earn points. However, if I don’t click or missclick when no object is in range, I lose one life point.
The problem I’m facing is that if I right-click when an object is in the correct range, but there’s another object outside the range, I end up both earning points and losing a life point simultaneously. I want to lose a life point only if no objects are within the correct range.
PS. For now, I’ve been using bananas and watermelon slices instead of real enemies.
That coin you see right from score is placed in editor and needs to be there to properly reset bullet to proper tint and opacity each time
Like event needs to check if bullet is not in collision with coin1
BUT if coin1 does not exist then event can’t check anything
That is why that coin needs to be ANYWHERE on your scene
You can even set its opacity to 0 in editor or use action to simply hide it at beginning of scene
In your case my bullet is your NewTiledSprite
Where my coin1 is your Banana