Music fade up not working

I’m recreating a music problem I’ve had in my game…

These events SHOULD fade up the song over 4 seconds… But instead I need to press the “a” key TWICE to get the song to play… not sure why.

I can solve this by removing “Trigger Once” but that creates issues with the song glitching / repeating.

There’s no other events here. What am I doing wrong?

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Before a sound/music can be played, you have to first ensure that the player interacted with your game (a simple click/touch on the screen is ok to unlock audio). This is a limitation of browsers and cannot be worked around. In your final game, it’s recommended to have on your first scene a “Press any key or touch the screen to continue” message.

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Is this in the browser or with preview on your PC? If the browser, then what @yorik wrote applies. If it’s in preview, then maybe setting the initial volume to 1 may resolve it.

Otherwise, try using play sound instead of play music.

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