Need some playtesters for my game

I need some playtesters. I have been working on Looped for some time now and I think this is the right time to get some feedbacks. It would be really awesome if you could take a little bit of time and play this game and give me some feedback :smiley:

I have metrics enabled, so datas like session count and retention might be collected anonamously



I can do it :grinning:

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Hi. I am playing it right now and I guess that it would be cool to add a crosshair in the game for aiming.

What are these slider for?

They are still WIP. They are meant to be music and sfx volumne sliders

I will also look into adding a crosshair and see if they are good

Thank you for the feedback :heart:

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Maybe a slight break between waves?

Centre the blue player in the main circle - it’s bugging the OCD part of my being.

More chances to regain lost health? Either that, or the ability to destroy any of the bullets the yellow-oranges send out, 'cos they’re a pain.

I like the effects of the circle filling in for each change to settings, info pause and play. How did you achieve those, may I ask?

This is my review HAHAHA, since you’re the reviewer of my games here is mine.
1 - More enemies or at lest 2 every 3 seconds so is more challenging the enemies never reach the player
2 - Increase the fire rate speed
3 - I guess the options are music and sounds
4 - Add controls like - Use the AWSD to move and Left click to shoot

Centre the blue player in the main circle - it’s bugging the OCD part of my being.

:spiral_notepad: Noted

More chances to regain lost health? Either that, or the ability to destroy any of the bullets the yellow-oranges send out, 'cos they’re a pain.

:spiral_notepad: Noted. Will power-ups that give more health be fine? currently there is a power-up that adds 1 health to the player.

I will experiment with the second one. Currently you can shoot the bombs the orange enemies shoot to make them instantly explode. I will experiment with adding a similar mechanic to the yellow one too

I like the effects of the circle filling in for each change to settings, info pause and play. How did you achieve those, may I ask?

The Background inside the circle is another object and it’s tweened in and out to make that effect. And that outline of the circle is a filled circle is below the internal Background object to make it look like an outline

Thanks for the feedback :heart:

This is my review HAHAHA, since you’re the reviewer of my games here is mine.


:spiral_notepad: Noted

:spiral_notepad: Noted. I will add a tutorial section in the menu

The first two or three of them are warm up waves, maybe they are too easy. I will experiment with tweaking the values a bit

Thank you for the feedback :heart:

That’d be one option. I guess you’d have to have a weighted randomness to them, so power-ups that give more health appear less frequently than those that give less health.

And thanks for explaining the circle effect. As usual, it’s a simple technique that produces a tricky looking effect and a cool little illusion. Thanks for sharing :smiley: