New custom behaviors not working(fixed after reinstalling)

non of the lyfecycle functions work and when I add an action from the behavior to the scene I get that red screen

Can you explain further? Where are the behaviors? Are they assigned to the prefab object through the scene or are the behaviors on one of the prefab children objects? Or are you interacting with an object in the scene not related to the prefab?

If I add the draggable behavior to the prefab, the entire prefab is draggable. If I assign the prefab to one of the children, the objects inside the prefab are draggable while the prefab doesn’t move…

Can you give an example of a behavior you’re using and the events that you are using and whether they’re in a function, a step event or some other location?

the behavior is added to the prefab on the scene editor(it can not be aded on the prefab editor) and in this case is a custom behavior which has just one event on it and an eventless function just to test.

it only happens with new behaviors not with old ones


see? the function is empty, I shouldn’t get an error if it wasn’t a bug