This is subjective and wrong in my personal experience.
When i was learning how to use variables in GDevelop, i thought you had to declare every single variable, and i found this a pain from day one.
It didnt help me understand it any more or any less, if anything, i avoid having to use variables because i just didnt want to constantly have to clean them up since i was just experimenting.
Then i checked out an example about inventories and saw that even tho there was loads of events with variables, there was no variables on the variable sheet, this blew my mind.
I was left wondering how the heck this project had no declared variables but everything worked with event variables…
Thats when i leaned you didnt have to declare them, and simply add them in on events.
This was so freeing, and made me use them more and more, learn more way of how to apply them since i didnt have the extra steps to go trough… and id say that worked pretty well.
Now i have a pretty good grasp of how to work with variables thanks to that.
So again, i dont really get how a beginner in GDevelop will benefit from this.