Orienting Randomly Descending Characters?

Two characters randomly descend one by one in a row. Players score points by pressing the left or right button in the direction of the same character when they enter the center circle. If the player touches after passing the circle or touches the direction of another character, they lose points. Is it possible to implement the game logic for this in Gdevelop?

It certainly is. I’d suggest you construct a flow chart to work out the logic flow, and then create events based on that.

I have red1, red2 in a group called red and I am randomly spawning objects at specific locations and dropping the spawned objects at 100PX per second along the Y axis. However, I don’t want the objects to slide down like a normal falling object avoidance game, I want them to move down the Y 100px position at a time…this should continue until they exit the screen below. Of course, the spawned objects follow behind them. Like a parade of troops in line. How should I modify the event?

You want to increase the Y position of each red object by 100 rather than apply a force.

However, just that by itself won’t do. That’ll change the position every game frame, about 60 times per second, or 6000 pixels per second.

So you’ll want to add a timer, and when a set time has elapsed, reset it and update the y positions of each red object.

BTW, you don’t need to repeat over each red object to update it’s position. You can just use the action, and it’ll get applied to all the red objects on the scene.

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Thank you.
I’ll give it a try.