Pixel-based physics..?

hello, by any chance is there a way on Gdevelop 5 ? to use Pixel-based physics…?

Hey, this sounds interesting, could you maybe elaborate more though?

Taking this at face value, I would adjust the physics engine objects to scale up based on their size. Or create different sized objects that use the same equation to dictate how heavy they are and how they would interact with other objects.

Ciao, grazie per l’interesse, purtroppo non ho molto da dirti al riguardo ma posso farti vedere dove ho visto questo metodo “Save 60% on Noita on Steam” e molto bello da vedere oltre che si potrebbero fare molte cose carine su Gdevelop ^ ^

Hi, thanks for your interest, unfortunately I don’t have much to tell you about it but I can show you where I saw this method: Save 60% on Noita on Steam and it’s very nice to see and you could do a lot of nice things on Gdevelop ^ ^

I appreciate the edit, I was actually translating things myself.
Ehi, quindi non parlo italiano ma spero che questo si traduca bene.

Forse se lo scrivo in questo traduttore avrà più senso. Esiste un comportamento fisico che puoi assegnare a un oggetto. È quindi possibile ridimensionare l’oggetto e regolare la fisica in base alla scala dell’oggetto. Finché mantieni gli stessi calcoli, probabilmente potresti semplicemente modificare un oggetto nel foglio eventi o creare diversi oggetti basati sulla stessa formula.

Ok, quindi sul collegamento, sì, penso che potresti assolutamente farlo.

Very interesting looking. The platform could be created with the Marching Squares extension. Maybe the Make destructible environments.


Some of the collapsing effect could be animations or maybe objects split into smaller physics objects with the Slice an object into pieces extension.


I think a mix of both extensions might work.

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ok now i have a clearer idea, thanks for the help

thank you for the advice much appreciated

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