Removing finished tweens and timers. Necessary?

Hello. I tend to remove tweens when they have finished and I also delete timers when they’re not being used, even if either/both get used again later in the scene (ie. I create, delete, create, delete within a single scene).

I tend to think of it as ‘good housekeeping’, but is it necessary for best performance to remove them? Could lots of finished tweens and timers you no longer need clog up the game over time if not manually removed? Are they automatically deleted when the scene changes? Thanks.

Tweens and timers do not carry over to other scenes
So it is like you deleted them all at once when scene changes

As for tweens idk if that is the case
BUT i was assuming always that deleting tween was there so you cannot reference it anymore
Not like you remove something physical
Which had nothing to do with performance
Same as removing child variable from array
Either it exists or not
Where after its done playing it kinda do nothing other than exist

As for timers
I always assumed that they need calculations to maintain their speed
So they are using some processing power
YET i never seen any performance loss even after having tons of timers

But in both case its more of my assumption/observation rather than facts

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