this morning after I saved a back up, all the pictures in the folder disappeared.
anyone had the same issue?
Hello gamerroy,
Could you copy the images that disappeared from your folder using the backup you made?
By the way, this has never happened to me.
the back up is only a json file from save as so no… but fortunately I saved most of my pictures somewhere else, just gonna take some time to relink everything…
Backing up your project requires backing up the entire project folder.
If you’re loading your backup and it’s a JSON only which you moved elsewhere, it will not have any of the resources to load from.
Similarly, if you do “Save As” and choose another folder, it’ll copy all of your resources along with the json. If you move the JSON at that point without the resources, it’ll no longer work.
Outside of the above scenarios, nothing about saving should impact your resources (unless you move your resources).