[SOLVED!] Background moves after pressing back button

When I go into the settings menu, then press the back button to go to the main menu, the background for the menu moves. I’m using the “Button States” extension for the back button if that helps. Thanks!

Main Menu(Normal)

Settings Menu(Back Button)

Main Menu(Bug)

What are the events around showing and hiding the Settings Menu? Can you screen shot them?

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The settings menu is a separate scene, I just switch between the two scenes when pressing settings button and back button.

Ok, that’s fine, so what are the events that deal with moving between the two scenes?

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The ones in between the yellow comments.



It’s just reloading the scene, so there’s no reason background should be shifting across the screen one time and not another. A few questions then about it:

  1. What’s the colour of your Main scene background in the editor?
  2. Can you check whether it’s the image that’s moving or the camera (maybe run in debug mode and check the position of the background)
  3. What extensions do you have running?
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I found out the problem! Player had smooth camera behavior and it wasn’t fast enough to disable at the start of the scene. Thanks for your help!

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