[SOLVED] Exported HTML game won't load, stuck at 100%

Update - solved by Avram: here

I exported my game to my website, but the loading bar freezes at 100%. I’ve tried exporting it twice. I can’t check the JS console right now because the school blocks it.

I’m using InfinityFree to host it.

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There is a redirection from InfinityFree that cause trouble on the game files.

You can see the errors by openning the console of your tab.

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I don’t know about your problem but my game wasn’t working until I got an SSL certificate.
You can get it for free by the way, as long as it’s not a self-signed certificate.


It says:

Access to fetch at ‘https://errors.infinityfree.net/errors/404/’ (redirected from ‘https://realbox.infinityfreeapp.com/realbox/play/a/0.1/Extensions/Physics2Behavior/Box2D_v2.3.1_min.wasm.wasm’) from origin ‘https://realbox.infinityfreeapp.com’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request’s mode to ‘no-cors’ to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.

But it’s not related to CORS, the game tries to load a file from https://realbox.infinityfreeapp.com/realbox/play/a/0.1/Extensions/Physics2Behavior/Box2D_v2.3.1_min.wasm.wasm but it doesn’t exist, so it redirects to 404 page which causes CORS error. Check if your exported game has that file, and then check if it’s properly uploaded to your website.


Oh, I remember now. (Thanks @Avram)
Infinity Free file manager (Monster) doesn’t accept all JS files and refuse uploading some of them for some reason.
If you want to upload your game 100%, you must use FTP (you can find it in Windows’ This PC) to bypass Monster restrictions.
You will find FTP details in the dashboard.

However, I have given up on Infinity Free due to privacy issues, and would recommend using another host.

I got an SSL cert but it still won’t finish loading

Everything was actually uploaded via FTP so I don’t think this is it

Hmm that’s strange, my ZIP file has the file. I’ll check the server files

[Update] TYSM, apparently DreamHost File Manager (the FTP client I was using) didn’t like the file being a .wasm, and didn’t load it. I had to upload it with a different file extension and rename it.