[SOLVED]GDevelop as a Flatpak or AppImage? File access WOE

EDIT: Someone on the Zorin forum told me how to bookmark my asset folder so I don’t have to keep navigating to it every time Portal opens. This is a lot less tedious and good enough for me. I don’t think I care if AppImage uses Portal or not now, it is not worth my time uninstalling and reinstalling when the bookmark cuts down on most of the unnecessary clicking.

I have been migrating to a new operating system, Zorin OS 17. I have GDevelop installed on it through the Zorin Software store as a Flatpak (the only option listed in the Software store was from Flathub). I notice that when I need to access the file system on my computer, such as adding images to sprites, a Portal opens and allows me to navigate to the correct file location and choose the image I want. The problem is, the Portal never remembers the last location I just got an image from 3 seconds ago, so for each animation I add I have to click click click click click click click click to the right location and select the next image.

I notice on the GDevelop site they have a Flatpak and an AppImage. I would like to know if anyone has tried the AppImage. Does it also open a Portal to access the file system? Does it remember that you just got another image from assets and have the assets folder already selected when you open the dialog to add a new image? I would hate to uninstall the Flatpak, install the AppImage, and then find out it does the same darn thing and I wasted 5 minutes of time uninstall/installing - five precious minutes that could have been used click click click click click click click clicking to the next image I need in my project.

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