[SOLVED] Google play update

greetings to all. I just posted a game on Google Play Store. but I noticed the shortcomings. How can I update the game pack? Can I print the update apk? Or is there a different method?

Upload your updated apk on the Play Store (new version number required).
Play Store will push the update to the users, like any other app.


When I try to install my updated apk file, the version number is the same and it doesn’t accept the installation. I tried to change the apk version from the Andorid studio program but it was not successful. is there any other way

Change the version number in the game properties, inside GDevelop, before export.

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I don’t accept even if I change this part

Format is X.Y.Z as written above.

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Can you show me an example? by the way my old version

must have max 3 numbers: X.Y.Z format, so you have to put 1.0.1
Obviously also 2.0.0 or 1.1.0 etc. the important is higher than 1.0.0
So, put 1.0.1 and you will see that it will be fine

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I will try immediately and come back hope it works. android studio drove me crazy:gülme:

Thanks so much, it worked, it was both gratifying and annoying that the question was so simple:sweat_smile:

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