[Solved] How to make first boss from "a link to the past"

So im trying to create a spike ball that spins around a character. I also want the diameter of the spin to grow and shrink.

I have used the put action combined with changing the angle every frame to make it spin, but i can not figure out how to change the distance of the ball to the character over time.

If someone knows a better way to accomplish what i am trying to do plead do share, otherwise my only solution that i thought of was what if i could enter a numeric variable into the distance box, then change the variable over time… thoughts?
Could we maybe do that some day?

Can you screen snip the events that control the ball around the character? Then we know how you are doing it.

I want the distance to grow and shrink on the put action but cant find anything to change it

Use a variable instead of hard coding the 2 pixels distance, and then update the variable as required. You can achieve this using tweens:

  1. Create a tween that increases the variable and when it’s finished
  2. create a tween that decreases the variable. Then when that one is finished
  3. go back to step 1

Im not sure i understand? The distance is attached to the put function. Is there another way to make the ball spin with other actions?

Something like this:

Oh so i can put a varialble in for the distance! Thank you so much, i didnt think that was possible

try, “Put the object around another”

That’s the action OP is using, and the action from my example. :person_shrugging:

Oh :flushed: sorry. I didn’t see that.
now I feel stupid lol.

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