[Solved] Post needs approval

Why do some of my posts need approval. I’m guessing it’s because of spam but I rarely start posts and it’s never spam. I don’t use a VPN with this site. I occasionally see spam from new accounts. So, it doesn’t seem like it’s an all user setting.

Is it just me? Is there something that can be done by the powers that be or by me?


It’s not against you, it’s a moderation policy we have to encounter the spam from bots.
And some words are on our watchlist, this is why somes messages need an approval.

I could try to rise your profile to a better level trust, but I’m unsure this will change something.

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I occassionally make a post here that needs mod approval too. And on another forum I’m on, a bunch of us were banned from using the word “love” in our posts, much to our delight when we accidentally discovered it. That was a direct consequence of a spambot attack on our forum, that had maniacally posted advertisements for Spellcasting and Various Enchantments all over the forum. I was whitelisted and can use the word “love” again, though I have little inclination, once the novelty of screenshotting our banned post messages wore off.

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I would appreciate it. I mostly reply. But when I do post it can be annoying because I need to wait for my post to be approved. Knowing that my post might need approval demotivates me from starting threads all together.

Not only you
I was asking once same exact question here yet i do not remember was it answered

Idk if it is against rules but i found that you can edit your post
Copy whole text
And then make new message with just 1st line
And it always gets trough
Then you simply edit it and paste text you copied in the 1st place
And that does not trigger approval