[Solved] Project not exporting to APK nor does preview works

Hello! Team,
We are working on our Christmas update for our games, we just updated the Gdevelop to latest version, and start working on the updates, we tried to preview the game many times, but the preview window doesn’t open up not even a single time, we tried all times of preview available, and so we thought to export to apk this this below error comes up
Screenshot below

Also The preview doesn’t work, you can see the gif below
GdevelopNewversion installednowporevew

It is happening with projects made with previous version of Gdevelop, when we trying to open up and make changes to game and preview or export it doesn’t work,

Because, we started new game project in Gdevelop for our new game, it is working fine, we are able to make games preview and export.

Have you tried turning on developer tools and seeing if any error messages come up in the console when you run in preview?

Do you mean Debugger tools? we tried that nothing coming up there it’s empty.

Hey we are sorry, we mistook the Developer tools for the Debugger tools
below is the screenshot for the Error in the Developer tools when trying the run the preview of the game.

Please take a look @MrMen , at the red errors

Hey! this is fixed, the actually was with the video object in our game for the Splash screen, we just deleted it and re ran the preview game and it worked… the same has been solved in all our game projects, we just have to reimport the object.

That should fixe the issue.

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