Tilemap tile ID by grid has to be an integer

Bug or feature request?

When using a simple tilemap, if you try to set the tile ID by grid location, it doesn’t do anything if the row or column isn’t a whole number. 5,5 works while 5.1, 5 doesn’t.

The top event doesn’t do anything while the bottom works.


The common practice for pretty much anything that takes a number is that it ignores the decimal part if it’s expecting an integer.

This “Bug” drove me crazy because I was doing a simple action but it wouldn’t work. I don’t remember how I discovered the issue. I think it was because when I used 5,5 it worked but when I used variables, it didn’t work.

I thought I was using whole number. I was seeing if I could make the classic snake game. Instead of using 4 events to handle the directions. I used X and Y from angle and distance. This created floating numbers because I originally allowed 360° movement instead of just 4 way movement.

I ended up using trunc() although in my situation, I believe that once I limited the movement to the 4 directions that it shouldn’t be an issue unless I get a floating point error.

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