Try out the Physics 3 prototype!

Hey! If you want to try a prototype Physics 3 extension, here are the files:

If you are on windows you can install it by unziping the folder into C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\gdevelop\resources\GDJS\Runtime\Extensions.
I am not sure for other OSs, but it should be in the resources/GDJS/Extensions folder inside the installation location of gdevelop

This exetnsion is a prototype and we would appreciate if any bugs/not working actions could be reported here. Thank you!


Is it an updated version of Physics 2.0 or something else?
What’s the difference? :slight_smile:

It contains the latest version of the physics engine (box2d). For now it’s pretty much the same as physics 2.0, we want to see if anything broke before trying to implement the new features (if there are any, the changes are not very well documented). The build we had before was from 2011 :grimacing: . Some issues may have been fixed and I guess it may have better performance and accuracy too. I cannot say exactly without further investigation.


Did you try it out; moreover any bugs/issues/changes you noticed? I would be highly obliged if you may report it in this thread (or in the PR).
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey! I know it’s difficult to do all that steps so I made a build of GDevelop containing the new Physics 3 prototype!
Windows version:
It’s a portable build so you can use it and the regular version at the same time.

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Why not create a new example with all event from physic v2?
This can be a test file.
Because just open and test several event or just the behavior is limited.
And it can be a very good example for understand how work the physic v2.

I already converted all physics 2 examples to physics 3 and they were working. The goal is more to find if anyone with more complex projects have anything that breaks.

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@arthuro555 i’d like to try it on one of my projects wich use a lot of physic 2.0 features. Unfortunately, i fail to install your build, here is the error i get :

I highly appreciate that you responded so early; I will look into it.
Thanks a lot :smile:

Ah, I see the error. I used the old electron version. That prototype is a bit old :confused: I don’t have the time to rebase and rebuild it right now, I will look into this later.

Thanks a lot, @arthuro555, @Kink and other GDevelop Users for your support till now, here it is the working version of the same prototype build . Do test the Physics3Behaviour Behaviour and feel free to criticize it as much as you want. I would like you to try out everything from the Physics Engine.I will be happy to hear your feedback.

You should bump your PR on Github, merge your PR with the pixi v5 branch, and the current B93, and share the test build this will help a lot to merge all the changes in one build, it’s simplier for people to test it than each branch. I can replace the link of the test branch about pixi v5, with your if you merge all the branch, B93, pixi v5, physics 3.

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It can be difficulter to find causes of bugs then tho

yup, This will surely be a big problem! Plus imagine tracing a bug whose source might be tougher to find since it can come from either physics3 or Pixi v5 or beta93.

Why has physics 3 not been implemented yet, does it need more testing or something?

If it’s just a box2d upgrade then it shouldn’t be too different…

I don’t have the files for that anymore, and that would likely need to be started over due to manor changes to the codebase. Physics 3 had a lot of problems anyways, partly due to being too similar to physics 2 and not meriting to be a separate extension.