Unsure which object will be affected

I have this invisible “trigger” object that is supposed to, upon collision, execute different actions and I’m not sure how to properly check it.

If I’ll do it like that:

Object Trigger is in collision with Player | no actions
  |-Variable "type" of Trigger = 1 |action 1

  |-Variable "type" of Trigger = 2 |action 2

  |-Variable "type" of Trigger = 3 |action 3

(if it isn’t obvious it presents structure of event and various subevents), will it check variable of Trigger object I just collided with or random one?

It checks the variable of the collided Trigger :slight_smile:

Subevents inherits the “picked” objects from their parent events. :slight_smile:
Here, action 1 will be executed on the trigger(s) that are in collision with the player AND with variable “type” = 1.
Action 2 will be executed on the trigger(s) that are in collision with the player AND with variable “type” = 2,
Action 3 will be executed on the trigger(s) that are in collision with the player AND with variable “type” = 3.

Thank you!