Wanted: videos of your games made with GDevelop!

Wow! Very nice 3D game. Keep up the great work.

Thank you to everybody who provided feedback and support for my first game
Just in time for Valentine’s Day here is my latest game.
Feel free to share it with your loved ones, it is a great conversation starter especially around Valentine’s Day. It’s great to see the continuing improvement with each GDevelop update and all the other games the community has made.

Here are my 3 games:


Wittee Game Apps with

Life Lessons - Wasting Food

This game was created from the game, “Pairs.”

Les comparto este juego que hice para Android, espero les guste
Es un juego de plataformas sencillos al estilo Mario Bros.


Estoy desarrollando un videojuego del género de plataformas en el motor GDevelop 5.
Por ahora el videojuego es un protototipo.

La Demo de este prototipo la pueden jugar gratuitamente en el navegador desde la web de Itch.io.

:point_right:t2: :video_game: JUEGA GRATIS LA DEMO EN ITCH.IO: Prototipo Demo by laynorchannel

Estoy desarrollando un videojuego del género de plataformas en el motor GDevelop 5.
Por ahora el videojuego es un protototipo.

La Demo de este prototipo la pueden jugar gratuitamente en el navegador desde la web de Itch.io

Here’s the demo trailer for my game Don’t Get Possessed :slight_smile:


this was made in Gdevelop?

Yes it was! Edyn is still in development, the alpha version of the game is currently on: Edyn by Obsidian Studio | PC Alpha Release Sign Up Today

Spell-Unka is a fairly simple retro, arcade, platform, exploration game that I am making in Gdevelop5.

Inspired by the classic coin op arcade games of the eighties and nineties, with a ton of retro game/movie/TV references thrown in too!

You play as intrepid underground explorer Cavin’ Colin and have uncovered the secret ancient temple of UNKA… who or what an Unka is awaits to be seen!

Explore each level, collecting the letters U,N,K,A to unlock the level exit portal, bonus stages between levels and planned boss battles to come.

Resolution, colour palette and audio are in keeping with arcade games of the 80’s and it also comes with the option to toggle scanlines and a bezel for an even more immersive and nostalgic experience.

Currently I have a working, playable 1 level demo available to play by either downloading from itch.io or play directly on the web via liliuo.io:

Enjoy the game so far and please let me know your thoughts…

Feedback or suggestions for improvement will be greatly appreciated and extremely useful.


Ancient gameplay video

It’s private on itch due to bug fixing but will be up soon

Maybe with controller support

The bug has to do with leaderboards

Suggestions or feedback will be immensly appreciated


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I love it. Simple, but fun.

When I changed the colours for board, it would take me back to the game screen as soon as I changed it. And then I had to go back to the options to change the bat. So if it stays on the settings until the user clicks back it would be more user friendly.

Also, was the tutorial just instructions? I was pressing space waiting for the ball to start. I think when you use the word tutorial it usually means there’s some kind of interactive element to it?

You didn’t specify what the leaderboard bug was, but when I looked at it there was no way of getting back to the game.

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That’s the bug
I had a sprite over the buttons that would fade in and fade out but I forgot to fade it “BUG
Some elements in the game are broken since I just upload after I add something and don’t check if everything is working properly


Don’t know if this is what I am supposed to post but this is how far I am with my game in Gdev

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Hi,I just finished a sequel to my first game called : Happy Face ! Its a simple arcade game but still fun to play!
link:Happy Face 2 ! (Trailer) - YouTube

Hi :slight_smile:

My first Android game made with GDevelop

called Psycho Adventures: Platformer

Possible Married With Children NES Game


WTF WARS Companion & Pets for GDevelop Jam #2