Wanted: videos of your games made with GDevelop!



It’s only a work in progress, but I thought you might still like to take a look at…


A tongue in cheek ZX Spectrum/Mandalorian inspired little platform romp I am working on.

I have used some of the spectrum’s restrictions, such as it’s 192x256 video resolution and the 15 system colours, with only two occupying any 8x8 area, but I do not have to suffer with the dreaded attribute clash, so my sprites can overlay each other and move smoothly, without constantly being forced to change color… Yep it was a thing back in the 80’s, check it out Retro Man Cave’s awesome explanation and some good examples of it in action here…

https://youtu.be/iemMlbIY1SI?t=440 )

In any case, this is my very first attempt at making a game and I have to say that I am thoroughly enjoying GDevelop5’s ‘condition and action’ programming method as I have absolutely no coding skills.

So here it is, a simple demo video of my W.I.P project ‘Mando-Vania’ Enjoy! :nerd_face::+1:


Hello 4ian, I actually have a full game make with Gdevelop, it’s on Google Playstore. It has 0 installations at the moment as I just Uploaded it, I was wondering if you could be the first to install it?. This is the link. Thank you… https://play.google.com/store/apps/detailsid=com.AbelsTouch.GoGoGOTen

Gorgeous art man. Love the style.

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Oblidat Souls
Hello, I just finished this app, (well more levels are in sight)
A bloody hard little mess you will find triying to escape.
Already in playstore, 60 levels at this moment. (It will be finish when I get it to 100 rooms at least :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


App trailer:

Oblidat Story (Triying to explain main character origins :sweat_smile:)


Here’s another little project that I’m working on…

The video will tell you most of the info, but as you can see it is an 80’s arcade inspired retro/platformer,

Using an authentic arcade board resolution and colour palette.

Why not take a look?

I hope you enjoy! :nerd_face::+1:

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Since I had made the video to ask whether to delete this bad game (for various reasons) or keep it, I take this opportunity to post it here.

(Status 90%)
(Will be placed in my main game as one of the minigames)


Here a preview of my new project from A Pixel Adventure franchise.
This time

Alanna The Princess Of Puzzles


Hello guys. I have some game made with GDevelop! Chech the video of the game on YouTube trailer below!

Thank you!


Here is another one =)


Very nice @UlisesFreitas and @andreholtz! Games would look great on the showcase, if you’ve not already submitted them :slight_smile:


I already submitted but I think is not included yet. Thanks for the feedback Florian.

There are no feedbacks to the authors when the games are added or refused.
Your games Ball Challenge and Hyddan’s Quest has been added a couple of weeks ago :slight_smile:

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Thank you, @4ian ! =) @Bouh thank you! Its very nice having the games on the showcase. :grinning:

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A Flash game I made this weekend to enlarge A Pixel Adventure franchise
An enhanced pair from the GDevelop Pairs demo.

A Pixel Adventure - Pairs
Play Online here


Look so cool and fun. Like character moves.:+1:

Not a game but demo of pseudo 3D space simulation made with Gdevelop.I didn´t find anyone doing that so i made it with a lot use of timers, tween function and particles.Source is free to download.Dragonfly - Gdevelop space simulation demo


A Wild West Pinball that I sometimes work on. It still has a lot of quirks, but at least everything is hand-drawn. The best is the sound. And what I’m proud of is the little fake led display at the top of the screen with its animations. :slight_smile: