Where to start and where to end?

Hi everyone
I have started working on a platformer game…
Can someone provide me list kind of something , from where to start and where to end
for example,
adding health bar , enemies, platforms etc…
If you did not get let me know :slightly_smiling_face:

1- define some kind of story for your game that would be the starting point, once you know what you want to tell with your game it’s easy to develop in phases:
2-: The assets
3-: The events logic for the player, items, collisions, floors and environment.
4-: The enemies logic, bosses and rewards.
5-: Build to various platforms.
you can check this tutorial series where I basically did an entire game from scratch.

You might wanna go like this:

  • Make sure you have assets
  • Make a player
  • Make a platform
  • Create a health bar with a functioning health mechanism
  • Create enemies
  • Create its functioning Health Bar
  • Make its AI
  • Damage Player
  • Damge Enemy
  • Add some additional stuff like scores and blah blah blah…
  • Now, at last, make and edit your levels

Thanks a lot @UlisesFreitas and @Muzan