Will the THNK-FRAMEWORK continue?

Will the THNK-FRAMEWORK continue?

i dunno probably i guess

Thank you,
I find this better the the default multieplayer thingy in Gdevelop.

Why? Could you elaborate, please? (I don’t know THNK)

THNK is framework for Gdevelop to easy add multieplayer/singleplayer with the same events. You can connect with varios thing like, peer to peer/lobbys/servers and more.

Sounds cool! I’ll have a look!

Are you alone developing THNK, Arthuro?
Must be quite the challenge!

yeah, and since i am a bit burnt out and depressed and doing college simultaneously, its been a bit hard lately

Oh yeah! I guess that would be really difficult! I’m sorry I’m not more intelligent and knowledgeable! I would have helped you gladly!
Well, health first man!
Hang in there! :wink: