Hi. I have an idea for a word game similar to 7 Little Words. Am I able to make such a game with gdevelop? Are there better options for someone who does not know how to code to make a game like that? Thank you.
Yes it is possible but won’t be easy. It is going to require structure and object variables, object linking and string expressions. You need to get familiar with these topics first.
But only after you done the introduction tutorials:
Thanks a lot for the information. Are there other engines better suited for a word game?
To be honest I would prefer to do this project using code and I would go with either AppGameKit or Godot.
I don’t know any tool require no coding that would be better suited, maybe Construct because it comes with more powerful string commands and also support database but it is not free.
But if you prefer free and no coding, GDevelop would be my recommendation.
Thanks again. I appreciate the links and the advice.
@ddbrahim do you have examples of the string manipulation function that are missing in GDevelop? Shouldn’t be too hard to add.
Thanks for asking. Few comes to my mind, not necessarily for this project in particular but for general use, some of them may be better implemented as a condition/action than expression:
Get length of text (return number of characters)
StrGetLength(“hello”) = 5
Find character in text (look for character return true or false)
StrFindChar(‘e’, “hello”) = true
Get index of character (return the index number of first char found)
StrGetCharIndex(‘l’, “hello world”) = 2 //index of first char is 0
Find portion in text (look for portion return true or false)
StrFindPortion(“hello”, “hello world”) = true
Get index of first char of portion (return the index of first character of portion)
StrGetPortIndexBegin(“ello”, “hello”) = 1
Get index of last char of portion (return the index of last character of portion)
StrGetPortionIndexEnd(“ello”, “hello”) = 4
Subtract portion from text (look for portion and return the remaining)
StrSubtractPortion(“hello”, “hello world”) = " world"
Subtract character (look for a character and return the ramining)
StrSubtractChar(‘l’, “hello world”) = “heo word”
Get character number (return the number a character is appear in a text)
StrGetCharCount(‘l’, “hello world”) = 3
Get portion number (return the number a portion is appear in a text)
StrGetPortionCount(“ho”, “hohoho”) = 3
Replace string (replace selected portion)
StrReplace(“the beginning”, “beginning”, “end”) = “the end”
Trim string (removes white space)
StrTrim(“hello world”) = “helloworld”
Get number of space from text (return the number of white spaces in text)
StrGetWhiteSpaceCount(“I like it”) = 2
Get index of white space (return the index number of first white space)
StrGetWhiteSpaceIndex(“I like it”) = 1
Get text color (return the rgb values of text color)
StrGetTextColor(object_name) = “R;G;B”
Thanks, I’ll see what missing.
Note that
exists as StrLength
exists as StrFind (returns -1 if not found) (and StrFindFrom, if you want to limit the search from a position)
exists as StrRFind (and StrRFindFrom)
StrReplace would be a valuable addition, as well as the ones to count a string or trim.
Also there are other methods like SubStr to get a portion of a string, or StrAt to get the character at a given position.
I’ll create a card for StrReplace/StrCount/StrTrim
Oh, I was searching among the text expressions haven’t noticed they are among the number expressions because return a number value.
Could be useful to have a reference guide to be able to search and browse all expressions sorted in to categories like text, number, sprite, input, math…etc regardless the return type or even better if we could sort either by return type, category or alphabetically. Even as an offline reference guide bundled with GD in a help menu maybe.
Sounds good. Thanks.
Like this page ?
The page is not complete. We need to try the methods and adjust the table.
Yeah the page is a good start, but ideally I’d like to show all expressions, even if they are returning a number and you need a string (and vice versa). We could show them grayed, or automatically add a ToString() around (but does not always make sense.
Ideally, the editor by itself should be sufficient for you to discover everything. Even if a documentation page is a plus at it’s searchable
Yeah something like that would be great.
Yeah the problem is when you stop discovering and you are in that misconception you are up to date with everything
A page like Bouh posted could be useful to find anything and everything with a single search for “Str” maybe and similar. Just an idea because recently someone also complained about that it doesn’t make sense to just start using GDevelop and discover staff as you use it, he told to prefer to have some sort of doc to follow and browse. With the expression I could see the benefit of something like that.
My idea is that the editor should be (in an ideal world again) its self documentation. For example, we could have a search somewhere for the expression (it’s actually already the case, but you have to open the expression editor).
Or even better, we could have a script that automatically extract all informations about objects/behaviors/events and update the wiki page.
I created a card for displaying all expressions (including numerical and strings) in the same list:
and a card for extracting automatically the reference of actions/conditions/etc:
EDIT: wow, trello integration in Discourse is really awesome!
Hi, I’m planning to create a hangman game. This thread is a good start, thank you.