🗓 A VERY Important day to add to your calendars! The GDWC 2021 AWARDS SHOW

Good morning, hope everyone is having a great day, there is a VERY important day to add to your calendars!
On TUESDAY, MARCH 15TH :calendar_spiral:
The GDWC 2021 AWARDS SHOW will start and one of the first games they will play there is Miko Adventures Puffball

The show is ONLINE(it will be streamed online), it’s totally free and you can sign up for it to get notified when it starts, anyone can attend and watch it.
Sign up here, you’ll just add in your email and that’s it, pretty easy stuff: GDWC 2022 Game Development World Championship
It is such a pretty awesome achievement to have my game played in such an amazing event, it feels so unreal to have my game there, such a great thing and we’re only starting out, there is a lot of stuff I’m working on, the news for Miko is not yet finished :star2:
Stay awesome!
Love you all :blue_heart:


Hey everyone,
Just in case you missed the GDWC 2021 showcase of Miko Adventures Puffball, you can watch the full gameplay video from here:

Enjoy :blue_heart: