About Joystick (I think its a bug?)



How to do it:
In Condition: add/choose Joystick then choose “Joystick pushed in a direction” both 4 or 8 way → its ok. Even changing to other and return to “Joystick pushed in a direction” both 4 or 8 way again.

In Condition: add/choose Joystick then choose other than “Joystick pushed in a direction” both 4 or 8 way, then you change to “Joystick pushed in a direction” both 4 or 8 way, even if you change to other choices → bug.


How come when choosing direction: Opacity???
to do this: In Condition: add/choose Joystick then choose Opacity and change to “joystick pushed in a direction” both 4 or 8 way.

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It can be annoying but it’s something that’s been around for a while. I’m not saying it shouldn’t be fixed.

It’s not related to the joystick. It’s related to how GD stores the value in parameter after you type them. if you back out of say an action and choose a different one , it uses the previous parameters.

The reason it shows “opacity” is because it’s a behavior name that gets filled in automatically for opacity . Even though you can’t change Tha parameter it’s still considered a parameter. GD stores the info and then reuses the parameters for the parameters in other conditions or actions.

There are occasional times when that is benifcal like if you type in a formula for the X value and you want to use it for the Y action. You could copy and paste it or back out and then choose the other direction.

It also helps if you choose say the X() but meant to use the Y(). If you notice it after filling in the parameters then you can just back out and choose the right action and the parameters would still be there.

I do agree it needs to be fixed. I requested in the past for a more dynamic technique so it would match similar parameters like X for X. It should also ignore behavior names and operators like the equals and < and >.

Another option would be to clear the fields anytime you backed out. I’m not sure if that’s the answer.

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If rechosen action/parameters is similar then the parameters can be reused.
If different then clear field. (Need be careful and not miss click when changing the action but want to reuse the value)

Action1 → Action2 (similar then reuse)
Action2 → Action2 (not similar, then clear)
And if changing it again then compare it again with the previous Action, is it similar or not.

But that will need to categorize which sub-conditions/parameters is similar with others.

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