Adding scene global loading

Originally I was suggesting to 4ian something similar to what RPG Maker has, to be able to create sub-scenes so the map could be a scene, towns could be sub-scenes of map and house interiors, dungeons could be sub-scenes of towns…etc and save the state of each scene as the player switch between them so if I go to a room and switch the lights on, when I go back the next time the light is still on, if I left a door open, it is still open when I go back…etc. But at the time 4ian had concerns how to know what the user want to save exactly and what if a user want to restart a scene from the beginning then you have to store the scene twice and he decided to instead allow to pause and unpause the previous scene in memory and able to go back any time and pause only 1 scene because he is worry about that people may pause and store too many scenes in memory and then wondering why their game is crashing and using lot of RAM and people would think GDevelop is not optimised.

After I decided to master the storage events and actually it is pretty simple to come up with your own scene cache using the storage events and because you have to save the game at some point when the player exit the game it is just something you have to do anyway.

But I agree it would be nice to be able to have a way to save/load scenes and stack them similar to RPG Maker, it seems many people find it complicated to use the storage events not to mention JSON :wink:

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