AdMob plugin in Intel XDK

Hi to all!

I’m trying to activate the AdMob plugin from Intel XDK, but I cannot do it.

I follow this instructions: … ndintelxdk

But once I put the Plugin ID, it gives me an error:
"Plugin not found


What am I doing wrong in this case?



Be sure to have the lastest version of Cordova installed in the Intel XDK (at least 5.0). You can check the version of Cordova installed in the Intel XDK by going into “project” > “build settings” > “android” > “Cordova cli version”.

Hi Victor! Thanks for your answer.

I have the latest version up to now (6.2.0), and I also tried with the previous one, 5.4.1.

Unfortunately, the error persists :frowning:

The procedure … ndintelxdk

does not contain the latest third-party plugin procedure, where it’s using this plugin sources:

  • npm
  • git repo
  • import local plugin

How could I proceed in this case?

Thanks again!!

Hi again, I finally could save the plugin locally.

Hey I just ran Into this as well and you need to put the plugin address under the git repo tab and retrieve it from there :smiley: